Read this disclaimer first!!
Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2002 - 11:43 a.m.

You won't believe what I saw last night. A white rat! It was at Place-des-Arts, buying tickets for the rat symphony coming next month!

But seriously folks, I saw a white rat at Place-des-Arts running home with an apple core. Wild/urban rats are generally large, dark brown, black or charcoal rats and are typically less than appealing to look at. This was like a lab, feeder or pet rat that got away. I was following this White Rat the way Alice tried to follow the White Rabbit. I was totally fascinated and wanted to know where it was going next.

I have a soft spot for rats, actually. They are great pets, when taken care of properly. I had a white rat called Maddy, short for Madeleine. She was bright and playful. I couldn't help but think of the White Rat as a stray rather than a wild rat. It was male and scurrying along with a too-big apple core. Finally it ducked into a hole in Place-des-Arts. Now I know that that venerable theatre outlet has rats. Can't wait to see another show there. :)

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