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Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003 - 1:18 p.m.
Le Souper des Ch�meurs

About three weeks ago, when I was still employed, Cat came to see me at an Ultimate game. It was our junior team, and I was asked to show up with cleats in case we needed players. Saab is the coach of that team. I had spoken a lot about him to Cat, and she was finally able to meet him.

Cat has a roommate, Nenette, who is dating a dick that we will call Dick. He is a smug, sweater-tied-around-the-neck, women-are-my-accessories, selfish dickwad. I don�t like him. To hear her talk about him, you�d think she didn�t like him either. Nenette has a problem in that she will morph into whoever the man thinks she could or should be, rather than just being who she is. Cat thought Saab was cute, so, she figured that Nenette might like him. She set a plan in motion.

After the game, she offered to drive us both home, since she had a car that night. But as we are driving, she asks Saab if he wants to join us. He says yes, and we all hang out for about an hour at her place. Nenette shows up, as per Cat�s plan. It was pretty clear that they would get along, which they did. They are both athletic, both have the same tastes in music and are both good cooks. It was here that I got my brilliant idea: Nenette and Saab should cook dinner for Cat and me! I was kidding, but the three of them thought it was a brilliant idea. Saab and I left that night. He didn�t really need a phone number, since I had it, but he got an email address. They�ve been in touch ever since.

Cat is on long-term disability (for depression and stress and events that happened last December). That week, Nenette quit her job. Saab had already been fired from his (due to his boss being a fucking baby, it�s a short story that I don�t feel like telling) and a week later I was laid off. Cat is only working four days a week right now. She gets Mondays off. The dinner was planned for last night and we called it �Le Souper des Ch�meurs�, which means, �Dinner for the Unemployed� or �Po� Man�s Dinner�.

It was, in a word, awesome. I brought over a pie. Saab and Nenette cooked this delicious salad that I can�t even begin to describe, there was, of course, cheese, and the main course was tuna and salmon wrapped in some kind of pita bread sitting in some kind of sauce. (Which would have put me in the hospital if I had eaten it, so I didn't.) There was wine, champagne and something called B&B (Benedictine and brandy, I think). All in all a very good time. It was only 10 pm when Saab and Nenette (well, Nenette) left to go out to a bar, leaving Cat and I to our own devices. And yes, we used our own devices. As always, a good experience.

It�s funny, we never get it on whenever Nenette is around. It�s never really planned that way, it just happens. As soon as we were done, Saab and Nenette got home. I was later told that they were fairly drunk. They went about their business (unbeknownst to me) while Cat and I stayed up and talked until 2 am.

Since Nenette is seeing Dick, I didn�t expect to see her and Saab this morning when I came out of Cat�s room. I was in my T-shirt and underwear. �Mornin�,� Saab said. I shook my head and went to the bathroom. Cat was in there getting ready for work; I mumbled something and went back to bed. Later, Cat and I went to walk the dog and pick up some of the best croissants in Montreal. We returned, had breakfast and said goodbye to Cat, since she�s the only one of us that has a job right now. I find this incredibly funny that the three of us spent the rest of the morning dicking around at the women�s house. We left, Nenette went to the gym, and he and I went to our respective homes.

On the way, we talked about last night. She is not prepared to leave Dick. She feels bad about what happened. She said that even though he is going away for two years, she�d be with him in a flash if it weren�t for Dick, who she doesn�t even like. I think Dick plays on certain insecurities that she has. By making her dress up all the time, she feels good somehow. Ahh, I dunno. It�s not my problem, nor is it Saab�s. In case you were wondering if Saab is �too nice�, well, he isn�t. He�s pretty much right where he needs to be in terms of being �nice� enough. He has a near-perfect balance of assertiveness, intelligence, compassion and so on. I guess we�ll see what develops.

Today I may throw a disc around, play Pente then go to our game tonight. It will be good. Amazing day.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look: great
The feel: like a bum
The taste: ahhh, good
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