Read this disclaimer first!!
Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2001 - 9:56 a.m.
News flash: Crime DOESN'T pay!!!!

The family is in trouble. I am the only male of this branch of my generation that still has his freedom. And I have to ask, why the FUCK is that?

I mean to say, how the hell can they get themselves in such a predicament? Between my two brothers, they have 4 kids. FOUR. And here I sit, safe in Montreal, safe from the accusing townsfolk, safe from the consequences of their actions. Now, to be fair, I don't know that they actually did anything, I don't even know why they are in jail, really. But from what I do know, innocence doesn't seem too likely.

I'm feeling this strange sense of responsibility here. The three oldest kids are now 13, 15 and 16. If anyone can relate to them, it's probably me. But I am too busy with my own life here. I feel like I should be with them, talking with them. Really talking with them, asking how they feel and trying to help them deal with life so that they don't make the same stupid mistakes that their father did. One is already at risk. Currently they are surrounded by idiots or people that are well-meaning, but limited in their approach to them.

It really is the children that suffer. I am so fucking PISSED at my brothers right now. My sister-in-law will probably have to go back to work now, and for quite a while it seems, too. And that brother? I can't imagine him getting a decent job in that town again. Fucking stupid, crime.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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