Read this disclaimer first!!
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2002 - 8:57 a.m.
I Get You: Those Three Little Words

The sweetest thing about the Internet is that no matter how marginalized you feel, it isn't that hard to find someone who understands. Just knowing that if they were with you they would cry in beer with you, hold your hand, heartily join you in your bitch session, or hoot and holler as you defeated Baal in the Hell version (15 points if you can get the reference, Crystal can't play).

I have been known to be a pretty good hugger. I'd offer one to Alex right now, because damnit, that's just such a fucking pisser! I get what you're saying, Alex.

* * *

Do you know the difference between sympathy and pity?

* * *

In other news, last night I was grocery shopping with Saab when I saw some coconuts. I thought that some coconut juice would be great to have right then, but I didn't want to edible part, just the juice. I asked him if he had any use for the coconut. He said no, and then I said:

"That's too bad, because I feel like having some juice. Straight from the nut."

About 12 seconds later:

"I cannot fucking believe I just said that." Saab nearly fell down from laughing so hard.

* * *

Post-script from the previous entry: It turns out that we have a LESBIAN in the family!

I asked JP where his brother Jason was. He living in Toronto with at their cousin Dorothy's house. Turns out that Dorothy bought the house with a "friend" (you could actually hear the quotes around the word when he used it) a few years ago. The "friend" left, and cousin Dorothy now uses the house strictly for rental purposes. Jason and his buddy (not "friend". Buddy.) live there now, while cousin Dorothy lives with her new "friend".

JP is so Catholic that he can't even say "her girlfriend". I get a kick out of it. I think I will make a point of bringing up cousin Dorothy at the next family gathering.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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