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Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 - 10:53 a.m.
Naked Questionnaire

More on nudity. I will attempt to answer the questions found here.

1. When do you first remember being naked in front of someone?

Although I remember being naked in front of people before the age of five, I definitely remember when I learned the real difference between boys and girls. I used to take baths with my sister. When I was 5, she was 9, and I noticed for the first time that she didn't have one. And I left really sorry for all girls everywhere. It was just too bad.

2. When did you first realize there might be something wrong with being naked?

I remember being 9 and having finished my bath. I was going to get dressed, but I forgot something from somewhere. Skin lotion or something. So I left my parents' room (for some reason I always got dressed there) and went to retrieve it. My brother looked me disgustedly and told me to put some clothes on. Until then I always figured that mandatory clothing didn't apply to me because I was a kid.

3. When did you first go naked in public as an adult?

It wasn't exactly public. It was October 1998. A friend of a friend had a cottage up north. She had a crush on him, which wasn't a good thing, but he wanted to hang out up north. He invited me and a female friend of his, his brother's girlfriend, to ease pressure on him.

After lots and lots of rum and beer, The girls decided to skinny dip. There was a floating platform about 100 metres away, and another one another 100 metres away. They swam out to the first one. For some reason, this bothered me. I wasn't about to let the girls brave the cold October waters; rather, if THEY can do it, I sure as hell can, too! So I stripped down. Sure it was cold, but I figured that the rum would easily counteract the cold. It did.

Looking back, I realize that this was fucking dangerous. I can barely swim and I was really, really drunk.

4. Do you compare yourself to others when you see them naked?

Never. They'd have to be fucking spectacular for me to even notice.

5. How did you feel about your body in the past?

It was just a body. I used to be pretty thin about 10 years ago, and my ribs were always showing, and my brother and sister would always make fun of my big ass, so I was a little self-conscious of it, but only when they decided to pick on me. I am now thankful for that ass, especially when I see many people with very little ass. I have been complimented more than once on mine, actually.

I don't like my legs quite as much as I used to. I have always loved my hands, though.

6. How do you feel about your body now?

I could stand to lose about 15 pounds, but that's just for my own aesthetics. You can't really tell if I weigh 190 pounds or 210, and people are usually around 20 pounds off if they were to guess. I wear it well, it seems.

7. Why did you choose to hide or not hide your face?

Since I was not part of the project, I can't really answer this question, but if I were, I'd show my face for sure. I don't feel THAT strongly about nudity, but if I am going to go to the trouble of being a part of it, then I would definitely not hide anything. For me, the point would be to be proud of my body.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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