Read this disclaimer first!!
Sunday, Apr. 06, 2003 - 10:17 p.m.

I went to the grocery store today. While there I saw something called Soygurt.

It's vegan yogurt, made from soy. Soy is to vegan chefs and dieticians as duct tape is to handymen it seems; you can make anything from soy.

I'm not vegan, and normally look upon veganism and so on with a little suspicion, because at the very least this "Soygurt" will taste funny.

But I got over my suspicion, because Robin is vegan, and she's really healthy these days, despite the almost daily alcohol binging.


See? And I want to be healthy, too. I got excited about the prospect of being healthy.

This is what vegan yogurt looks like:

This is strawberry flavour. Doesn't really look like it, does it? But then I thought, NO! It's the other "normal" stuff that doesn't really look like yogurt! I mean, what's with that perfect pinkness of strawberry yogurt, anyway? I was undaunted. Especially since I paid up the yinyang for this stuff. This is what it tastes like:

I'll stick with the vegetarianism for now, or at least as long as I have this fucking ulcer.

The funny thing is, this soygurt, this VEGAN soygurt, was sweetened with 100% natural fruit juice and honey. Why doesn't honey count as something vegans shouldn't be eating. Bees are animals. Well, they are. Maybe I just don't know enough about these...these vegans.

This is more like it.

1 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look: ugh
The feel: you saw the picture
The taste: blechh!
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