Read this disclaimer first!!
Monday, Apr. 07, 2003 - 8:31 a.m.
Not just lesbians, not just dwarfs

I can't believe I forgot this!

Yesterday while shopping, I saw not just lesbians, not just dwarfs, but LESBIAN DWARFS! (Or dwarven lesbians, I'm not sure what the proper term is.) They were grocery shopping.

One was about 3'10", and she was the tall one. Approximately the same age, maybe early thirties. They were doing all the lesbian grocery-shopping couply things. It was a little odd, though. They didn't bother to ask anyone to get them anything that was too high up, they just didn't bother shopping that high.

Imagine shopping where most things are beyond your reach, maybe 8 or 9 feet up, and the shopping cart handle is six feet tall. That's what they were experiencing. That's weird.

1 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
The taste:
Sunday, Apr. 06, 2003 - 10:59 p.m.
Bush is not God

I was just putting the finishing touches on the previous entry when I decided to click on the banner of Robin Lee Hatcher. It says something about supporting the troops over in Baghdad. I thought, "Let's see what this crank Christian writer has to say." She linked to this article by this guy. He had some good points, about this being the ultimate reality TV show. Or that the American public is getting restless because the war isn't over yet (entertainment value is lagging). This could be true. But he lost me completely when he said that people should "respect their God-ordained function". God-ordained? GOD-ordained? You mean God-ordained like those suicide bombers God ordained? Or maybe God-ordained like those that blow up abortion doctors God-ordained?

This isn't God-ordained, this is Bush-ordained. I'm not the most religious guy but I'll tell you this:


Once again,


For Christ's sakes!

1 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look: Like I just been served a large helping of what the fuck...?
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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