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Monday, Apr. 22, 2002 - 11:44 p.m.
People Suck, Part 1

Today's electronic exchange: krek (my roomate) started with posting a link about many online shoppers preferring shopping online because they do not have to deal with people. This subject line was: "damn straight... people suck". Then I said (these were all replies to "all", "all" being about ten people):

<JonasParker>You mean you? You suck?</JonasParker>

 Well, that started it, but you will see later why I fired that shot off. He emailed me later saying "Fuck you, Fuckball!"

I said something about defending the establishment (I'll get the exact wording

of everything tomorrow as those early emails are all at work).

and then splitmunkey (krek's cousin) said (I am leaving in all the errors):


Hey I am all for a little establshment too, but you gotta remeber who the dispensable ones are. On the one hand we have the internet being used to eliminate the record sales middle men (Philips seem to be a strange side note)on the advantage of both the artist and consumer...

And on the other you have those same middle men possibly one day cutting out the peons of the service hasen't really started to happen but it syill is a possiblity (in the not so distant future).

Again, I am not saying i want to save MCjobs, but we are not ever shown any possible alternatives. But still everything is done in an attempt to save money (mergers, take-overs, and cutbacks) and with the adavance of

technology we are just rendering ourselves as obsolet as a comador 64 Hey, the Jetsons were super cool (way cooler then the flintstones) but even the Flinstones cars polluted less then ours... You think George had it bad at spacely's sprockets but atleast he got lucky and broke into the corperate sphere, we might not be so lucky...


<krek>Corrections: (first couple for splitmunkey

only the rest for JonasParker)

-I believe that George worked at Cogswell Cogs, or

was  that the competiton.... no I checked on Google, I was wrong



 -Slow down, it is email, no one is trying to cut you off or talk over you

 -that is really it isn't it, perhaps I would not

mind the system so much if I was given a viable alternative, a choice, right now the choice is conform or conform not, have or have not.

 -I hate dealing with service personnel, it always feels forced and unnecessary. If I stay at home I will not be there making the service guys feel like they have

a shitty job and they will be friendlier, meanwhile those who enjoy these pedantic interactions can continue them AND get better sevice because I was not there to get the

service rep down.

 -It seems that more people than you think agree with ME! Question, how will you feel when the socially inclined are the minority and the fact that you 'talk

to too many people' starts to count against you in the job market, and society in general? I have felt 'attacked' by you in the past for my shy and introverted ways, I do

not know or care if you meant to attack me, I felt attacked. Lucky for you I am a hard person to insult, and I take very little of 'it' personally (I guess that's what happens when everything pisses you off). I never

counted it against you because I knew that you were an 'outgoing' guy, it is simply impossible for you to see it from my perspective, the world works well for you and the fact that it does not work so well for everyone

is a concept that is so foriegn to you that it is easier to assume that those people are just broken and in need of some fixing than to allow for some variation.

hmmmm... I did not mean this to be a counter attack, but, there it is, sorry; en garde you personable swine!</krek>

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