Your thoughts on this:

Arianna - 2003-03-14 15:53:18
are you canadian? I didn't know!!
zostrich - 2003-03-17 21:16:17
i couldn't disagree more with the catholic women's league (or be gladder that i live in the u.s., which is a nice change considering we're going to war tomorrow and i think it's shit). i live in florida, and we are having issues with recognized gay marriages. most of my male friends are gay and in or out of relationships, they are not child molesters. very few openly gay males are; if anything the stigma that surrounds a man when he doesn't conform to norms which go against what he feels inside goes a lot further towards giving anyone a paraphilia. like catholic priests (but i might just be biased). what i'm basically trying to say is that love and sexual relationships between two consenting adults, interracial, homosexual, whatever, should never be treated as a crime, and those who perpetrate it should enver be treated as criminals.

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