Your thoughts on this:

Robin - 2003-03-18 12:02:33
That's horrifying. My god.
Kate - 2003-03-18 14:35:21
That was extraordinarily profound...we're living in a different world. And good for her; she's a brave woman...much braver than I will ever be.
mechy - 2003-03-18 14:36:07
I clicked on your banner. I heard about this story but assumed it was one of those chinese whisper things that passes from one person to another and gets changed. Apparently not. That is just horrific.
Celestial - 2003-03-18 15:06:50
That was one destiny popular enough to find her place on the front covers for the world to witness the horrors the scores of people there, go through everyday. But those people, women children and all, are not taken as people anymore. There dreams hopes and right to live is not considered. They come to our knowledge as mere statistics. What right does one man have, to destroy the lives of countless others?
Amanda - 2003-03-18 20:12:29
I don't know if we can really answer what the worth of her actions were... ask her now and would she say she'd die again to prove a point that can NEVER be proved? I only wish I had the strength in my own convictions that she had in hers... I wish more that one girl's death could be enough to end stupidity, unjust blood and war. If it was, I'd be willing to die too.

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