Your thoughts on this:

christen - 2003-04-22 22:01:42
Okay. Don't get me started on the breastfeeding thing. You know if that had been a hot, blonde, white chick showing her boobs without a kid attached to them, that guy along with half the others on the plane would have been in line to shove dollars down her g-string. I'm an American and I'm not flamingly retarded. People like that give us a bad name. One time, I saw a woman in a sandwich shop breastfeeding a kid who had all his teeth, could walk and was old enough to ASK FOR A SANDWICH which he ate after sucking the boob for a while. That was a bit much, considering she didn't even put a towel over herself, and it was a professional atmosphere, but still. Neither of them were national threats, though her boobs were a threat to my appetite. They were nasty. Anyway. I fixed my comments settings. Sorry about that. I still appreciate the insights! I do wish I could read your site at work though, but for some reason I doubt my boss would believe half-naked people were work-related. :)
almost girl - 2003-04-23 10:41:36
my god jonasy that is f'ing wrote it beautifully tho' and thankyou. xxx (tired and not making sense sorry)... even if she'd bared her breasts for NO apprent reason and the man had acted agressively towards her.. and her aggressively back- wouldn't her only 'crime' be that of public nudity? etc.? next thing they'll have cams in the toilets and 'non nationals' wont be allowed to take a crap. xxx hee...

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