Your thoughts on this:

Amanda - 2003-06-02 00:43:20
even though I am suffering nausea as of late, your baking looks yummy to me... even the pie. Hmmmmmmmmmm I don't like pie crust, but I haven't met a filling I wouldn't eat.
christen - 2003-06-02 00:43:42
Pie? Since when does pie have frosting on the top? Please tell me that didn't come from a box... you have to bake those, you know. ;) Oh, I'm kidding, but seriously, I couldn't resist. Men cooking always leaves room for jokes, wouldn't you agree?
alexandra - 2003-06-02 10:04:30
Oh Mr Parker those are so so darling that you made me want to do scrummy huggy things to you. You bake! But what is more lovely is that you came and showed us. I don't know what the fucking disaster is but I'd eat a bite and tell you it was grand if I was there.

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