Your thoughts on this:

Arianna - 2003-06-25 16:36:38
That makes me sick and sad. I feel so terrible for that puppy because it probably was happy to see the child and then couldn't understand what it had done wrong to be hurt like that. That's what gets me the most. The horrible injustice. That child is sick sick sick sick and needs SERIOUS help. Sociopath comes to mind. Wonder what his parents are like. It tears me up because my first instinct is to want to remove that child from society, kinda "The Ring" style, but that wouldn't help any. I don't know what to do, but my general strong compassion for children is totally waived in this circumstance. That's a sick adult in the making, one that will probably hurt a lot of people and animals until one day someone does something about it.
Clawfoot - 2003-06-26 18:45:33
There's no doubt that the boy needs serious help, and NOW, but what I think everyone is missing is the fact that there were FUCKING WITNESSES and the DOG STILL DIED. Yes, get the kid some help. But do something about the sick fucks who stood around and watched, too.

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