Your thoughts on this:

Knucklehead - 2003-08-06 03:05:47
Bush doesn't hate gays. Gays hate themselves. Just look what they are doing with the AIDS epidemic. Wear a rubber, for Christ sake....oh wait, you all reject Christ. Buncha damn sodomites.
:: jozjozjoz :: - 2003-08-06 04:43:27
That's kick ass that you quoted Mike Doss. And someone should kick Knucklehead's ass.
Ravyne - 2003-08-06 06:31:13
Oh, I see Knucklehead comes here too to spout his hatred. Guess what Knucklehead, AIDS is way down in the Gay community because GUESS WHAT? they started their own campaign to distribute condoms amongst themselves when they realized the GOVERNMENT wasn't about to help them. And besides, AIDS is NOT a gay disease you idiot! Anyway, just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your piece on Gay Marriages Jonas. Thanks again for the linkage.

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