Your thoughts on this:

lintpickle - 2003-09-10 16:35:04
You're right. Absolutely. It's funny, since lately I've been really hating our way of life here. It's probably just as bad in the UK, but not quite because you're so much closer to other cultures that you have a little more perspective on things. But I'm tempted to go build a hut on the beach on some island somewhere and just surf. At least until the US decides that the little wee government on my island doesn't drink enough coke.
lintpickle - 2003-09-10 17:52:41
with reference to Chris, that entry about him asking me back..that was a while ago, back in June. I said no. I still say no. I don't feel anything for him anymore, isn't that horrible? I think the breakup was heartless enough for me to just let it all go, and I just don't feel anything anymore. Not even a soft spot. I would never be unkind to him and I will always be civil and social but I don't really want to seek him out. I feel uncomfortable around him now. It's ick.
Clawfoot - 2003-09-11 23:08:59
Hey, check this out (from the LJ of a friend of mine):

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