Read this disclaimer first!!
Thursday, Sept. 12, 2002 - 11:17 p.m.
Sad, Scared and Stupid

An email to work:

My main door leads to a narrow staircase going down. There are two locks on that door: a twist-and-push lock and a deadbolt. I locked the deadbolt from the outside and forgot about the t&p lock. I was only going to the dep anyway. The stairway leads to another door, one that leads to the outside. It locks when you shut it.

As soon as I shut it, I realized that I had left my keys in the first door.

I went to the dep (short for d�panneur, or corner store) and returned. My downstairs neighbour, Andy was there outside. I explained to him the situation as well as the fact that the back door was also locked so I only had one way in: I had to climb to my balcony and go through the door that way. I left it open. (I�ll lock it from now on.) After breaking one of Andy�s chairs, I managed to climb to the balcony and enter the apartment. That should have been it, except that you can only unlock the main or back doors with a key. A key which was on the other side of the main door. The only way to get out of here now is to jump off the balcony. I�m trapped.

I�ll see you about an hour after I am freed. Email me the access number for the conference call just in case.

Before this incident I was feeling sad and scared. I was reading terrible stories of death and fear, some of which were real, that left me feeling a little paranoid (9/11 never got me feeling this way). Now I feel sad, scared and stupid. And today started out so well.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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