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Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 - 12:26 p.m.
A Day in the Life

Diaryland doesn't know what is happening in my life. In fact, someone on Tuesday asked me what the hell I do all day. Well, I will attempt to answer this question.

The Onion had a pretty good take on what someone who is getting good at unemployment does. More specifically, I play quite a bit of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. It's almost like a daily requirement, like answering the phone at work, or filling out TPS reports (careful, it's a PDF document).

I used to go here for some crazy shit (it's a pornblog with extremely graphic content, be warned), but now prefer its spawn, Blogwars. It's like MetaFilter, but sponsored by porn and the people aren't quite as articulate. It's updated more than Stile Project, and every so often you find some interesting things, like the fact that the Star Wars Kid is from Quebec (I didn't know). His parents are fighting back, too. More on this in another entry.

I hang out alot with Saab, who, although he now has a job, "works from home" which entails doing practically nothing all day but hanging out.

In fact, Monday, Saab and I went to Chez Lidia for breakfast.

Chez Lidia is a greasy spoon diner that you go to for breakfast. It's brightly coloured on the inside. The staff is friendly, the food is passable and the waitresses are nude. And they TVs all have hardcore porn on them. It's incredibly normal, despite the differences from regular diners.

Sometimes I shop, sometimes I just sleep. Or I read. Or I have sex with tiny blonde French girls that are hellbent on fucking 28-year-old black English guys with twists in their hair. Yes, it does get that specific. More on this later.

It's amazing how being unproductive can fill up your entire day.

4 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look: slightly hungover
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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