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2001-11-07 - 8:59 a.m.
Movie Dreams

Did you ever recall a dream as though it really happened, then realize "WAITAMINNIT! That never happened, it was a DREAM!"?

I thought I was watching some feature film, and recalling the erotic bits of the movie. I remember the man and woman meeting. He was wearing a white shirt. He was very attractive, short black hair, muscular but lean. His pants were black (or were they khaki?) and he had this sureness about him. I remember distinctly that that was why everyone felt drawn to him. He could make Osama bin Laden follow him.

The memory of her remains a little more obscure. Her hair: think of Kim Basinger's in Batman with Nicole Kidman's in that terrible period piece Moulin Rouge. She was slim, but not too slim. I think she had dark eyes.

The two were in a variety of places: one place looked like an office; another time they were at a cafe; later they were at a some show, maybe Place des Arts. Together they could be an Obsession ad. As I recall this dream everything is in black and white. At some point their faces are about six inches from each other and you know they kiss, but the camera starts fading to black, and then the next scene, whatever that is...

This thing that I remember clearly is this: the man has gained the trust of the woman. This means so much to him, and he feels honoured and humbled. In turn he has allowed her inside him as well. She is free to caress his heart more directly than anyone else. It's still very early in their relationship, but he feels strongly about this woman. Now here's the weird part. This dream is just like a movie that you would see in the theatre. In this scene she had on nothing but a long white shirt (maybe his). She was bent over a chair or something, waiting for him. There he was, bottomless, with an erection. An on-screen erection. (Has that ever been done outside of porn?) You can't see his face, but you see him put on a condom. And then, he's inside. She arches her back, wiggles it in, and doesn't let him go. Fade to black...

None of that seemed strange at the time, but that is the way of dreams.


I get to see S. tonight. I am looking forward to it. We will see an advance screening of the movie "Heist". More on that later.

P.S. I just remembered: there were no voices in the dream. No one spoke.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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