Read this disclaimer first!!
Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2003 - 1:55 p.m.

I have nothing to really say, so here are some random...things.

Karrass is the self-styled world leader in negotiating seminar programs. Lots of sales reps take Karrass courses. Isn't it odd how sales reps take courses from a guy whose name looks like "harass"?

A man goes away on a bird-watching vacation and comes home to find himself robbed. When the cops come to investigate, they find all kinds of kiddie porn. Now they are investigating both the robbery and the kiddie porn. There's a moral somewhere around here, but I'm at a loss as to what is is just now.

There was a poster ad recently ruled as offensive to women. It showed the back of a woman dressed only in a bra and thong, hands handcuffed behind her back. The slogan was "Lancashire hotbot...for fashion and passion whip along to your local store." That's fine, but I can't help but wonder why another ad, this time with a woman sitting down, legs apart and holding a whip with the words, "Whipswich...for fashion and passion whip along to your local store" was not ruled as offensive. I'm probably the only one who thought it strange, I guess.

2 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look: egh...
The feel: meh
The taste: bleh
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