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Wednesday, May. 14, 2003 - 4:41 p.m.
I play Black

The collectible card game Magic: the Gathering is probably the greatest CCG ever made. Many have tried to better it, but no one has come close.

The concept is simple: you are a sorceror trying to kill the other one(s) with spells such as enchantments and summoned creatures. There are five colours of magic representing several things. The colours are: White, Blue, Black, Red and Green. I like playing all the colours, but I especially like Black.

Black is the colour of death, decay and evil. The creatures include rats, demons and zombies. The spells include a lot of single-creature destruction, weakening spells, life-sucking and spells that sacrifice a bit of you so that something else happens. For example: you can pay 3B for a 3/3 zombie, a decent creature. If you pay an additional 3 life, it's a 5/5 creature instead.

When it comes to close friendships, I play black. I am more than willing to give up a piece of myself for someone I consider worth it. I am willing to feel their wrath and scorn if they will only be protected from whatever it is that threatens them, especially if they don't see it. The Apocalypse expansion represents me well there. It had black creatures with white abilities. (The darkness merely hides the light.) If you really know the game fromthe last two years, you could say that I am a white creature that becomes black at Threshold (technical term).

I also sometimes play black with enemies, or when I am in a controversial situation, or when someone is just being a dick. I will sacrifice the high road occasionally to deliver a killing blow to the opponent (receive X evil glares, destroy X target idiots).

I really like the game. I wish I had more people to play it with.

1 scrawls at the end of this hall

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