Read this disclaimer first!!
Tuesday, May. 13, 2003 - 2:05 p.m.

It's a pretty small world we live in.

Saturday was beautiful and sunny. I had my first practice with my new team. I met some new people (including Marc's little sister. God DAMMMMM!! She is FIT.) and generally had a really good time. I'm still a little sore today.

When it came time to leave, Saab and I decided that we really wanted poutine and beer. But we were practicing in Verdun, where there are no bars. So we high-tailed it to St-Denis Street, also known as Patio Heaven. We went to the city's largest outdoor terrace at le St-Sulpice. I found the perfect table in the middle of it. Very sunny. There's an adjoining business that serves poutine. We had everything. Beer, poutine, sun and people to watch.

Two girls sat down next to us. They were speaking French and therefore I wasn't paying too much attention to them at first. But I noticed after a while that they seemed a little more friendly than women friends are. It was like there was a tenderness there that casual, or even good friends don't have. And there was something in their eyes, too.

One of the girls was attractive, in a Meditteranean way. She spoke French with a North American Italian accent (I don't care what anyone else says). About 5'6", 125 pounds. Well-dressed. The other was the complete opposite. She was about 5'3", 170 pounds, and butch-dykish in every way possible. She was a walking stereotype. But she had Punky-Brewster freckles. Lesbians.

Over the course of a few hours we started speaking more and more to these girls.

But I had plans. I was to go over to the home of the aporetic voice for baked goods and booze. I mentioned her name and that she was a little different from most people. Turns out that the butch-girl knows her very very well. Butch is none other than LJ. They were best friends up until aboput three weeks ago. Like I said, small world.

LJ, her friend Sab, my friend Saab and I went next door for dinner and drinks, then back to the bar for a free pitcher supplied by Sab's boyfriend, a staff member. It was then that we met an interesting couple. He was an Aussie, and she was from Abitibi-T�miscamingue. (That's pronounced, "whythefuckwouldanyoneliveherinthemiddleoffuckingnowherewithabarelyliteratepopulation"). They met in Vancouver, and were travelling back to Australia soon. Great people, the two of them. Meanwhile LJ was humping waitresses and talking a lot about wearing strapons. But she didn't forget to tell us how much she really REALLY liked men.

Then we called aporetic, or rather, LJ did. The baked goods party wasn't happening, so LJ invited herself and everyone else over. (Sab didn't go; she stayed with her pothead boyfriend who isn't going to buy her a big diamond ring and propose) And by this point I was too drunk and tired to do anything that made sense, like not get involved in what could be an ugly catfight.

aporetic lives in a beautiful place right downtown. It must cost a fortune in rent. I don't remember much about being there, actually. LJ talked a lot. I lay down on the couch and spilled booze. LJ had once wondered if her picture was still on the mantle. Saab noticed that it wasn't, and exclaimed, "Looks like she's been DISMANTLED!"

I fucking died of laughter. That's funny as shit. Yes, it is.

All four of us left the apartment. aporetic went to get cigarettes, while the three of us went home.

The next day Saab told me that he walked LJ home. She awkwardly asked him out on a date, and he accepted her number I think. That's where it ended.

I think that LJ could very well be a closet case that happens to like cock. Not necessarily men, but cock. She definitely seems addicted to attention. I wonder if I will ever see her again.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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