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Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2002 - 8:50 a.m.
The Ladee

Let's all give warm thoughts to Ladeeleroy today. Her brother has an inborn sickness that I sadly cannot recall (she seems to have destroyed the entry that explains it). He had a setback recently, but I'm sure he'll be okay soon. She really REALLY loves him.

I have two brothers and two sisters (technically, I have one sister, but I'll get into that some other time). With friends and girlfriends, I can show affection. I don't dole it out like water, and it isn't pre-determined when it'll happen like a welfare cheque, but I know that I am perfectly capable of having strong feelings for someone, and showing them. But I could never truly write an entry like Leroy's about any of my brothers and sisters. If I lost any of them, it would hurt. I would be in pain. From time to time I would think of them fondly. But I see an end to pain, a relatively quick end. I will get over it.

Sadly, none of them (well, maybe one of them) means as much to me as Leroy's siblings mean to her. Like I said, I'd get over it. Maybe not immediately, but soon enough. She writes:
One of the happiest days of my life was December 22, 1987.

I can't imagine writing anything like that, even if they were all younger than me. (They're actually older. If you comment on this, please don't start in on the "spoiled baby" bullshit. I've heard it all before.) If something were to happen to anyone I loved as much as she loves her sibs, I don't think I'd ever get over it.

Leroy handles this well in her real life. She is funny and happy, more or less, on the outside, but inside she is on a rollercoaster, as she says. Good thing she has her Lipman.

Sometimes I wonder about how her entry would go when her little brother is cured, and can join the lives of the rest of the kids his age. (I have three nephews older than him, heh!) I am waiting for it in optimism. That entry will probably bring tears to my eyes. It is threatening to do that already, actually.

Let's all (all five of us who read this anyway) wish good health to Leroy's brother today. Sign her guestbuch. Say nice things. You never know what might happen.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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