Read this disclaimer first!!
Wednesday, Jul. 24, 2002 - 9:02 a.m.
Ottawa, Part 2

I think this is the biggest break I have taken from this diary. I have kept up with others, but not this one. I just can't seem to get inspired to write anything, and I have been having a really good time lately. For instance, I have spent the last two weekends in Ottawa, and I had a really good time both times. I met good people. Did good things.

In particular, I met Traci and Holly. Traci is someone I met a year ago but have never really had the chance to talk to until we ran into her by chance Saturday night. She is Tier 1. That's the type of woman I want. She is the type of woman that men value greatly because they can be themselves around her without judgement. Of course, we aren't exactly slouches. No really, we aren't. We had an amazing discussion about my favourite subject: men and women. After the bar we went to a friend's place and hung out talking and drinking until 5:30 am. Breakfast at 6 and bed finally at 7.

An aside, I was with Jones and Pete after we left James' place. Traci went home so it was just the three of us. On the way to Dunn's, where we ate, after having drunk lightly for about 10 hours, it suddenly made sense for us to destroy property. I "got" it somehow. We were (well, Pete was) talking about decadence and high living, denouncing those demons while Jones and I listened. We saw some mid-range to decent cars in the neighbourhood. Around the same time we all wanted to flip one of the cars. Or maybe all of them. It just made sense somehow, although we thought better of it.

JP: Do you, feel like destroying property, or something?
J:Yeah, yeah I do.
P:Fuck, yeah!
J: I wonder why that is...
JP: Me, too. I've never wanted to do that before.
P:Fuck, yeah!

Earlier that day I met Holly. She is the sister of a good friend of one of my travelling companions (Deb, Steph and Jade). She works at Bell ExpressVu. She had two tickets to the new Austin Powers movie in Montreal and was going to throw one away. Guess who got the ticket??

IT WAS FUNNY! Crazy. Very good flick for kicks and tricks. And I saw it first. Hah!

There is so much else to say. But I'll make new entries for those later, or I won't even bother to write about them.

I have to talk about 1) Last night's game; 2) after the game and 3) loving your friends.

All this and more coming straight to your dome after these messages.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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