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Wednesday, Apr. 24, 2002 - 1:55 p.m.
People Suck, Part 4

This just in from our Austrian correspondent in response to my email beginning with "Well thanks for the clarification":

<Runger>Hear hear!

Wow, this is quite a heated discussion...

I'd just like to add that as far as I can tell the only point of life is the social interactions you take part in as you travel through it. Until we find a real reason for our being here, the only thing we can do is talk to each other and interact with each other. Doing everything alone removes you from this world, as there is no common reference point. Only things which are seen/experienced by 2 or more people are real, and even then it can be hard for them to agree on what they experienced.


PS: Let me know when I can get a web-haircut, inteacting with hairdressers bothers me. ;)</Runger>

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