Read this disclaimer first!!
Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2002 - 8:50 a.m.

I would much rather fuck than smoke. Europeans are just fucking crazy. There's a Dutch woman who smokes working on this floor. I'll ask her the next time I see her.

Half of UK workers under 30 have taken the day off in order to have sex. I have had sex before work, but I do not recall whether or not I took the day off to do it. Don't think so. You?

Birth control for men. Ummm...yay? No. I think I'd rather get a vasectomy. Increased cholesterol? Weight gain? Increased blood pressure? Fuck all that. I'll leave that to women. They're used to all that hormonal fuckery anyway.* It's just a personal choice of mine.**

This guy should have frozen to death while hanging onto a plane's landing gear, just so he could escape Cuba to come to Montr�al... In December.

It's funny 'cause it would be true if it were, uh, true.

Headline of the day.

*Well, they are.

**If this actually becomes safe to use, it will be the personal choice of all men, and most men (and women) will initially say, "Great, no condoms!" and others will say, "She can't deal with the extra hormonal fuckery, so I'll have to and I can handle it because I am a big strong man," and yet others will say, "I'll do because I love her. I guess." Maybe I would even try it, although part of me hopes that I will be too old to care at that point. It's weird. Actually, I seem to have more to say on this, so I will increase the font size to normal. One moment, please...






There we go. Anyway, the Pill was the big equalizer for women in terms of reproductive rights and so on. A woman could basically determine whether or not she was going to get pregnant; it was no longer determined by both partners, or just men (as though men can fire magic bullets of love through the ether and impregnate a woman at will). How will this change things if it catches on? Will this truly equalize things or will the balance of power return to men? What about custody? Will this change things there?

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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The feel:
The taste:
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