Read this disclaimer first!!
Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002 - 10:08 a.m.

You know things are sad when we have machines recommending things for us to buy, and then getting our profile way off, and then getting offended or worried about it.

Tivo is a technology that allows you to record TV shows to watch later. It also profiles you and recommends things for you to buy and watch. It appears as though the profiling technology is way off, because watching Will and Grace will have it start programming mostly gay TV even though that has very little to do with the things you like to see. And people seem to be developing little neuroses over it. "I don't want the Tivo to think I'm gay." I'm not kidding, that's what people are thinking. And it isn't because the programming isn't what they want, it's because a machine thinks they're gay. Sad. I bet people will start changing their habits because their Tivo thinks of them a certain way.


Post-traumatic slave disorder is the newest mental disorder that shrinks can diagnose. American black males are the biggest sufferers of this disorder. Symptoms include delusions about white people following them or plotting against them, hyperventilation and shitty lives.

Personally, I think that even if it were real, I would rather not be associated with a self-defeating victimized people. There is apparently plenty of data to back up the theory that trauma can show up in generations of oppressed peoples. I'd like to see this data, myself.


This doctor is a fucking quack. I mean...I am uncomfortable with this man's work. Whatever. I'll believe that he made a human clone after I see the work verified by someone other than him.


Why is it that some people get away with crimes while others are routinely sent to jail for a generation or two? This man was having sex with a 14-year-old while (I think) acting as president of a local chapter of Cops for Christ. The girl had previously dated the man's son. He was about 40 at the time. Isn't this stat rape? Shouldn't he have gotten 15 years for it? But he didn't. In fact, he got 25 years probation, job termination and 2 years house arrest.

To be honest, that sounds pretty harsh to me, that is, it would suck pretty hard if it were to happen to me, but then again, that is obviously nothing compared to being in the pen for a quarter century, which is wat he could have gotten. I am positive that because he was white, religious and a cop, that he got off easy. However, I think there may have been something else going on as well. Disgusting, in any case.


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