Read this disclaimer first!!
Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2002 - 1:48 p.m.
Non-sexual Sex or, The Most Action I've Had Since May

I would like to point your attention to the crappy disclaimer at the top of the page. I will update and format it as time comes.


During the week I got various offers to do things on Friday night. Saab was coming over to play cars; I was going to Deb's for pasta and movies, and Jones was in town supposedly.

*A*, my ex working downstairs, was looking particularly good Friday. That afternoon *A* and I decided to have a drink at a pool bar behind here. It was happy hour, of course, and we took full advantage of this. We each had three drinks, and were feeling pretty good. She even offered to go to the Christmas party, and me, not being able to remember why that might have been a bad idea, agreed.

*A* had to go pick up her kids, but she invited me back to her place for more drinks. While she was dealing with 2 small boys, I was buying beer.

When we got back to her place, it was pretty good the way we settled into a comfortable zone. When her children were in the living room and we were in the kitchen, she gave me one of her patented hugs (you'll have to scroll down to near the bottom). It was different this time, though. It was longer, closer and even more intimate than I had grown used to. And she brushed her cheek against mine a couple of times. There was a lot of closeness.

Pizza arrived and was eaten. Beer was consumed. Kids were played with. *A* and I sat around in each other's arms. Finally, the kids went to bed, and we went back to her king-sized bed. Needless to say, my other plans fell away, hours earlier.

Nothing really happened there. I went exactly as far as I wanted to go, which may have been a little (but only a little tiny bit) too far. There wasn't even kissing, just rubbing and touching. Nothing too heavy.

*A* is, in Crystal-speak, an affection whore, and she as much said so earlier in the week. I suppose that's why she doesn't keep physical intimacy (that could include sex, but only with one person, and it isn't me) at bay even when it might cause emotional problems later on. I mentioned this to her either during or right after her foot massage.

We were getting pretty tired, and at 10:30 I put her to bed and left.

I called her Sunday to apologize for Friday. Like I said, nothing really happened, all clothes were on, but still, I felt like I got a little too close to her and could have used better sense. I didn't want to be another guy that she has to worry about, which I'm not, but it was important that she know this. And also, the Christmas party idea wasn't a good one. She agreed (she realized it after she sobered up) and that was that.

One of these days I'll tell you how she seduced me the first time three years ago. I like that story.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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