Read this disclaimer first!!
Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2002 - 2:42 p.m.

This is not going to be written very well, because I am not calm, nor will I be calm for another 3 and a half hours. I am anxious.

Is she mad? Because I didn't call her? I thought we were beyond this. We were just friends. I really thought that sex was an activity that we could do ever so often, just like cards or movies. I really did. I guess I was pretty naive.

Back up to Friday: Suj and I went to the MBM to see Krystal. It was her birthday the next day and we weren't sure we were going to see each other. Anyway, after leaving there we went to Grumpy's, which was a great time as always. Lindsay and Kevin were there as well as an acquaintance that I haven't seen in years, St�phanie. Long story short, a good time was had, I found out about a party St�phanie was throwing the following night.

The next day I saw a movie with a friend. Then we went for dinner and drinks. Then we went to meet everyone at Kevin's before heading to St�phanie's party.

At the party, we met a few interesting people. For instance, I met Chris, St�phanie's boyfriend and a possible business reference worth $3000 personally to me if my company were to hire him.

My friend and I each met interesting, cool and sexy people. I can't remember the name of the guy she met, but he went to the same obscure high school in Buttfuque, Quebec. They hit it off well. He has a girlfriend. I met Audrey, a really interesting, and social...cook! She's a cook! We got along very well. She has a boyfriend. Just our luck.

My friend and I left eventually, and I crashed at her place. We had sex that night and the next morning. Then I left.

Since then I haven't really thought much of it. I see no reason why our relationship should change. I hope she isnt angry or disappointed in anything I have done (or not done) since then. I wouldn't call her the next day or the day after if we had done anything else other than sex, and I know that sex is different, but...

I know I sound either incredibly naive or incredibly insensitive, but I am leaving out a whole shitload of details here. I may get around to filling in the rest of those details later after I call her tonight. I just needed to get this out. I don't feel very good about this, though.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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