Read this disclaimer first!!
Monday, Nov. 04, 2002 - 10:12 a.m.

This morning I booked off time to go to the SAAQ to get my Ontario driver's license changed to a Quebec one. What I needed was:

-my old driver's license from Ontario;
-proof of residence in Quebec;
-proof of Canadian citizenship, like a passport or birth certificate;
-proof of residence in Ontario when I had the license.

It's this last thing that is the problem. On July 2, 2002 this requirement was added. Unfortunately, I don't have any of the proof that they required because I was just a kid when I was living there. Officially from 1992 to 1998, I was not a Quebec resident because I was a either a student or I had not been here as a non-student long enough. I wasn't an Ontario resident because I wasn't living there anymore. For years I was "just visiting". In any case, I can't seem to come up with anything that satisfies them. So I will have to go as though I have never driven before, take the stupid tests, have a learner's permit for a year, and then "graduate" to a real fucking license. For Christ's sakes I feel like I'm 16 years old. Why do I have to pay taxes if they are treating me like a kid??

The worst thing about this is that I wanted to take care of this in the spring, before the law changed. I tried and tried and tried and tried and tried and tried to call, but I could never get through. They refused to deal with me downtown, so I had to go to the main centre in Ahuntsic. No deal. So finally I took a day off in August and went to Ahuntsic directly. I was able to get an appointment (to take my fucking picture!) only in November, on my birthday, no less. They never even told me that I needed this "proof of residence in Ontario". Never. I only found out because I tried to change the day of the appointment to earlier in the week (today) because I am leaving Friday afternoon for Toronto.

I am absolutely livid right now. I'm 16 years old again, yet I toil at this fucking job and pay big taxes. I want student discounts!

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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