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Monday, Mar. 25, 2002 - 12:28 p.m.
The Supermarket Dream

Once again, I had a dream about Andrea, my ex, where I was a non-participant in the dream. It was about her, starring her, but it was my dream.

It was around 1985, and she was a cashier in a supermarket. She was everyone's favourite. She frequently had the longest lines. She was talking about her life and her year-old son (not sons, like in real life). She was around the same age here as in real-life, too. In particular, she talked about how great her boyfriend? husband? whatever? was. I was just shopping around the store picking up things I needed, yet somehow I heard every word. I could see her most of the time, too.

Then I saw her boyfriend. He looked much like a cross between her real boyfriend (6'1", 230 pounds, shaved head, 34 years old) in the waking world and Chris Klein, the guy in American Pie who got the choir girl. I don't think I was the only one looking at him; everyone was, I think. He looked a little humbled by the attention. He probably looked endearing to all the women, pushing a stroller with a little boy in it. Andrea looked on proudly.

The only thing I can say for me in my dream was that at some point I went to a bathroom and checked myself out in a mirror. I've been growing my hair out, but this was ridiculous. I had a moustache and a Jeri-Curl down to my shoulders. I thought that it didn't look too bad, although not what I expected. That's so weird.

The reason why the location of this dream makes sense (in a way) is that my brother's ex-wife used to have the same job at the same place in 1985. He is a very big guy and by 1986 he had a year-old boy with her. Odd that I should combine Andrea with this silly bitch.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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The feel:
The taste:
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