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Thursday, Nov. 14, 2002 - 8:55 a.m.
Titties in Titland

As many of you know, Karyn Bosnak is now debt-free. She was on the Today Show this week being a ditz apparently, evading questions about the ethics of what she did asking strangers to give her money to help pay off her ridiculous $20000 credit card debt. I have my own views on that, but maybe later. Right now I want to talk about another gimme campaign, and gimme campaigns in general.

Statia is getting a free first-class ticket to Florida from Pennsylvania to celebrate Thanksgiving. Why? Because her friend Robyn asked people to finance the trip. But what is the great hook? Actually there are two. Statia and Robyn have really, REAAALLLLY great tits. I mean, they are GOOD. This pic of Statia's was taken on my birthday. Makes me feel special in an incredibly lame and adolescent way. She seems pretty fun. Guys HAVE to like her. If a guy didn't, there's a high chance that I wouldn't like the guy.

Basically, Statia would have been alone for Thanksgiving because she is estranged from her family and her friends live in Florida. It's fully explained somewhere on both Statia's page and Robyn's page, but I am too tired lazy to find the exact pages. It didn't take long to raise the money, especially with racks like theirs, as well as the racks of other similarly endowed women from around the world. Excess money is being given to a breast cancer research charity.

On one level, this is a fun thing to do, and I get to see immediate results if I choose to invest in these boobies. I like boobies, even if I identify myself as an ass man. (Oh wait, she has a great ass, too.) Besides, it's my choice to use my money as I see fit.

On the other hand, shouldn't we be giving money to those who NEED the money, like victims of war, or the sick? We have it pretty easy in N. America. Statia herself has owned several cars (6 new ones in the past 4 years). Pennsylvania isn't exactly poor. I don't know why she can't afford to make it to Florida, and I shouldn't care. This is her problem. Robyn implies at her site that it is tragic that ayone should be alone for the holidays. I can think of far worse fates, to be perfectly honest.

There are a lot of bloggers who have Amazon wish lists, and the ones who get anything interesting are about 99% female and under 24. Karyn Bosnak is an anomaly because of her age and the amount that she has raked. I am not including the pornographic cam whores either. That is probably its own economy by now.

Is this another form of prostitution? Maybe. Is it any worse than what many celebrities are doing? Or what we are doing every day whoring ourselves for cash at jobs we don't like? This is going in a direction I don't want to travel right now.

Maybe I am jealous that I don't have the nerve or the attributes to pull off something like this. Here is an email exchange between me and Statia:

JP: I found your site through Metafilter, then the breast campaign. I was wandering around when I found one of your links. Red Meat. Right there I decided that you were all right. Any woman that likes Red Meat <shameless plug>(or dark meat, as the case may be)</shameless plug> is okay in my book.

statia: thanks man! Just me making my sarcastic wiseass contribution to the world.

If I have a nice rack, then that's an extra added bonus.

I do tend to like the leftover dark meat on a turkey carcass though.

I should do a Genghis Jon-style interview with her. I'll see what I can do, if I can gather up some nerve.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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