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Monday, Jan. 20, 2003 - 10:37 a.m.
Partying with Ulcers

Someone left a comment in the comments area below on my last entry. That person was probably using Netscape. I should have said something earlier, but due to the limitations of Haloscan's commenting systems, IE users can't view or leave comments when my entry title has special characters or more than one word. So, to whoever did leave that comment, could you do it again in my guestbuch or send me an email? Thanks.


It's gonna be cold again tonight.

It's fucking cold tonight!


Suj suggested that I might have an ulcer. That would explain why I reacted three times this week to foods that normally wouldn't bother me at all: the fatty kind. I had dinner Friday night at the Museum. Krystal was there, as always. I had something meaty and good, with a delicious beer. It didn't work out so well. I was in pain and had to call it a night at 8 pm.

Can you imagine? This could mean that I have to give up fatty foods! That might not be a bad thing. If I can drop 20 pounds, then...well I won't look that different, actually. Most people can't tell the difference between me now and me 5 years ago, except for the hair. But I don't like taking a size 36 all that much. I LIKE size 34 (that's the only interesting thing about the number 34, IMO. Yes, I do attach meanings to numbers.). So this week I have to see a GP, get a referral, get tests, maybe even scoped (orally, not the other way. Hopefully.). Should be fun.

If this ulcer thing is real, then hard alcohol is out, and I thought that beer might be as well.

Saab had a party Saturday night. This guy really knows how to throw a party. He spent the day making house music mixes, decorations, and food. There was our entire (almost) Ultimate Frisbee team, plus Deb, Saab's brother, his three female cousins (who all look around 22 years of age, but they're actually 15, 17 and 22, *shudder*), neighbours, and various other miscellaneous people. It was all French, all the time.

I carried nine beers with me, six of which were Krystal's (she was to join later, but ended up working late). The first one was a little rough of the stomach, but barely; the rest were fine. No worries there. I met some very interesting people, blah, blah, blah. I slept over and got home around 9:30 am.

On the way home, Mom called. There's something wrong with her, and 3 different doctors in Brockville can't figure it out. She is extremely tired, listless with no appetite and just plain shitty. She had the Norwalk virus at the same time I did, and she feels the same way now, without the fever. She desperately asked me to find a doctor here that could see her and figure out what is wrong. She also implied during the conversation that no one else has time for her, or that I am her last and only hope. But, no pressure. Hopefully Suj will know what to do, because IANAD (I am not a doctor, like IANAL, but with 'doctor' replacing 'lawyer').


Must write about:

  • Blogs, online journals and why they're cool;
  • Internet relationships (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.) and how their evolution often differs from the more conventional kinds of relationships;
  • Yesterday's purchases.

I don't know when I will ever get around to doing either of the first two.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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