Read this disclaimer first!!
Saturday, Dec. 21, 2002 - 1:35 p.m.

Do you think, based on their writings, or even the fact the we write at all, that Diaryland people (or most bloggers) believe that they are different/smarter/better than the average person? I guess I would focus on the "smarter" bit, and throw in a little "more enlightened" as well.

But so many diaries I read involve people describing how much everyone else sucks. Of course, we often talk about how much we suck, too, but I get a sense that many online writers think that they are smarter or better or more insightful than everyone else. Doesn't that strike you as incredibly arrogant if it's true? (I mean me in that entry, sorta.)

Perhaps we are more afraid of people, or at least are more wary of people out there than the general population. Or it could be as simple as the fact that we talk about those feelings through writing, and other people do not, so it appears as though we have more of those feelings than others.

Nothing else to say here, except that I have a bunch of things to say about the Internet and relationships in general that I will tie this into, as soon as I get a round tuit.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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