Read this disclaimer first!!
Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 - 4:29 p.m.
...and it isn't just me

If you haven't read this yet, do so before reading this one.

I just want to point out that in reference to the last (real) entry that I am in no way saying that I have any kind of patent on being the victim of these types of incidents. I don't even feel "victimized", exactly. In fact, this sort of thing rarely happens to me in any overt manner. It happens more to whites that I know than it does to me.

Racism happens when one group treats another group poorly because of race or origin. For some reason, the racism from the visible minorities towards whites or other visible minorities gets overlooked. It's even acceptable in many cases.

For example, the term "white trash" is a term I generally do not use unless I am illustrating a point or example, much like I did below with my little story. I think it is the same as calling someone a "nigger", but for some reason, it is a popular term. I think that someday we will look back on our use of the term the way we look back on our racist portrayal of blacks in cartoons in the 40s.

As I said, most whites that I meet these days have been the victims of racism, and always will be, because bigotry against whites (and men, and other groups) is perfectly justified somehow, even righteously so. I know a Greek guy who worked with a bunch of women. Sometimes they would bitch and complain TO HIM when the service at a Greek restaurant they went to at lunch, as though he were the spokesman for all things Greek. Then they would go on about Greeks-are-this and Greeks-are-that. I know a Scottish-Irish-Swedish woman with black relatives to whom black women would openly hurl racist slurs against her for "trying to steal their men" and a host of other garbage.

I could go on with all kinds of -ism's, but I will close by saying that I know that my experiences in no way trump anyone else's just because I am black. All racism should be examined and pointed out, at the very least.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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