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Monday, Mar. 18, 2002 - 11:11 p.m.
Chasing Amy, Gen, Andrea, etc...

Sometimes you have to separate the individual from the actions."

I wonder what would happen if I were completely and hopelessly in love, and I found out something about her that is questionable, but truly none of my business. Would my love for her outweigh my silly mannish hangups? Could I get over it?

Yes I DID just watch Chasing Amy for the first time!

You know,I have let the past be the past. I separated the individual from the actions. And what did I get? Well, I won't get into it, but I got screwed. I did it to myself, though. The signs were there. I like to think that the past is the past. If there is anything terribly suspicious about such a past, I have to use that in my assessment of the person, no matter what I want to believe in the present. For example (and I truly do hate to use this example), let's say that I find out before dating her that she has been with countless people sexually before me. The number of partners wouldn't bother me at all. It's the (very probable) long trail of broken hearts and used-up people that bothers me. (For the record, I think no better or worse about men who treat women this way than I do women who treat men this way. The only real difference is that the men can't hurt me.)

I wonder what I have in my past that would give a woman that loves me completely pause. Someone had a problem with S's age. That was the last straw between her and me, which is just as well as we didn't really like each other anyway.

As an aside, I am going to attempt to put together a personal manifesto. Wish me luck.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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