Read this disclaimer first!!
Wednesday, Jul. 30, 2003 - 1:12 p.m.
The Flip Side

Let's recap, shall we?

I have been dumped as a boyfriend, dumped as a friend, fired and am in limbo waiting for new job opportunities, lost a private war with the government and now have to come up with $2000 somehow, but am unable to pay the money even if I had it due to governmental incompetence. Flip side? More time for sex, which I have had.

Christen is broke, will have her loan reduced, may have to leave her boyfriend, has an extremely sick grandmother and will be living in a genie bottle for the next little while. Flip side? She's really cute, should never have a problem getting free drinks at certain places and will meet friendly people in NC.

Elizabeth has been dumped, has to work with and continue to be business partners with her now-ex-boyfriend, is anxious about her new position in the company, has a crappy boss, and the crappiest family. Flip side? $$, and she may have made a friend this past weekend.

Alexandra is in a loveless relationship and has been for far too long, has a crazy mother (don't think that word does this woman justice), and has some self-issues (but then, who doesn't?). Flip side? She is loved around the world, and I get to see her if I am lucky. That reminds me, I have to send her that gift...

Dan is dead. Flip side? He is grooving in hell, and gets to "visit" with Crystal. Daily.

Amanda is in constant physical pain, has seen far too much death and personal destruction for her age, and lives in Buttfuck, Alberta. Flip side? She can survive longer than cockroaches after a nuclear storm.

Ladeeleroy has been fired, lost her only brother to a rare disease and been recently slapped around by Karma itself. Flip side? Lipman.

The moral of the story is that Diarylanders always have a flip side. It's a nice little world we live in.

3 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look: okay
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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