Read this disclaimer first!!
Monday, Feb. 03, 2003 - 12:54 p.m.

I'm going to Milwaukee in May. Fucking Milwaukee. So to all of you Diaryland people from Milwaukee, watch out! I'm invading your state like stormtroopers.

My friend is getting married. Through some twist of fate, he ended up there for work and met this lovely lady with a little girl. There's getting married in May. I just found out today. It's happening so quickly because he has to pull some immigration green card I-don't-fucking-know kind of fucking shit, so that he can stay in the country and work and have his ready-made family. I met her the same weekend I met Crystal. She's nice. Big Packers fan. I am told that they take football seriously in Wisconsin. I really feel like taking megaphone a blaring out "PACKERS SUUUUUUUUCK!!!" right before getting in my rented getaway car, going to the airport and flying back to civiliza--...err, Canada.

I don't want to go to Wisconsin. What the fuck? But if I don't go, then I'm a piece of shit, and I will never hear the end of it. It's not like we're THAT close anyway. In fact, he's been pissing me off lately.

So this is going to cost me about $800. Frankly, I have better uses for $800. I could:

  1. pay some bills;
  2. buy some cool shit;
  3. jump out of a plane;
  4. go see someone that loves me despite me not having the exact same feelings and, ugh, I STILL haven't written about that. I tried to once, but the entry was cast into cyberhell and...

So fuck. I guess I'm not bringing a goddamned date. And if you are fucking wondering why I am swearing more than usual, you can blame this one, or you can GFY.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

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