Read this disclaimer first!!
Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 - 4:42 p.m.
La Mol�cule

Look what I just pulled out of my Frosted Flakes:

Minnie mini-bobblehead

It's a bobblehead. Click it to see a bigger version of it.

This is my fifth entry of the day, folks. When it rains it pours, I suppose. Check out the other ones. One|Two, Three|Four

Deb, Saab and I had breakfast at a fancy breakfast place in Outremont at 9 am. It was so early, and I couldn't get to sleep last night for some reason. Afterwards, Saab and I went to do errands, then I hung out at his place playing Blood Omen 2. I crashed for about an hour, then took off, not expecting to see anyone until tonight at 7. Krystal is having a potluck dinner.

So there I was, finally about to clean my place when I get a drunken call at 7 pm. It's Saab. He's insisting that I go join he and his friends at le Saint-Sulpice, even though happy hour is over and I am almost broke. I was busy and didn't talk to him until an hour later, when I was ready for dinner. He called back. I had no intention of calling him back, especially since I didn't know which phone he was calling from. He convinced me to join him at nine. I got there at nine-twenty.

Saab was there half-sloshed sitting with five women, and his back was to about five guys. It was one big group. I pulled up a chair, pulled up a glass and got to work.

Unfortunately I was not in the mood for French. That changed when I met the cast.

I have known Saab's friend Sabrina (you could call her Sab, couldn't you?) for more than a year, so she wasn't anything new. She is a converted Muslim, though. Short, attractive and very French, as in France. To her left was Julie, also from France. Dark-skinned white girl and incredibly attractive with her white cornrows. To Sabrina's right was Virginie. She deserves her own paragraph.

This woman is built like a brick shithouse. A solid six feet tall, she has this very curvy and fit figure, large breasts, long brown hair and get this: hands almost as big as mine. In case you don't know, my hands are very big, and belong on someone almost a foot taller than me. Her hands were less than a joint smaller than mine. Imagine what this woman would be like if she were male. She'd be a monster.

On the other side of Saab was Barbara. French Quebecker, so it's pronounced something like "bahr-bah-RAH". Probably the hottest of all the women, she should be a news anchor, but is an IT consultant. She has poise, beauty and brains. The whole package. About 5'6", 125 pounds, Aryan.

Last, but not least, next to Virginie, was Audrey. That's pronounced something like "o-DRAY". She's also French, but from way up north in coal-mining country. She's very very short. 5'2" in heels, but actually 4'11". Tiny like a molecule. Curly blonde hair, blue eyes, cute as hell.

Audrey is very interested in my hair and my hands. Actually everyone was interested in my hands because there was an earlier conversation about hands and naturally Saab talks about my grosses pattes. Everyone was very interested in what these big mitts looked like. After it was determined that I had twists in my hair, Audrey insisted that I be summoned to the bar.

She's young, very young. January 18, 1982 young. but I didn't find this out until hours later. Her dream is to teach English to people. Four years ago she didn't speak a word of it. Now she studies at McGill in the school year and spends her summer working at a retail store.

Viriginie is a very covert and adept pot smoker. She says that she smokes between two and five joints a day. She does it so discreetly that no one in the bar noticed (of course, it helps that we are in the largest patio in the city). I had a few drags and mistakenly gave a hit to Saab. It was like having a half-pitcher of beer in 30 seconds. But he sucked it up like a pro (no pun intended) and plugged away.

When Saab is drunk and in the company of attractive women, he becomes very take-charge. Not too aggressive, though. He doesn't have many problems talking to people, and under these circumstances, he has even less problem. No, he's not a jerk in any way. He knows how to do it properly, and doesn't really let setbacks get to him at all. I've never seen him have any real setbacks, though.

Suj called me around 10:15 and decided to join us after Saab told him exactly what he must do. He took my phone and ordered Suj to meet us at Gogo Lounge, because the ladies wanted to dance. I didn't mind as I was getting a nice little buzz going anyway. Besides, Audrey seemed to like the fact that I was 28 (most guys she's been with are older), and she wanted to practice her English with me.

However, she had to meet her friends over at the Ste-Elisabeth, and took off. The plan was set: Suj was meeting us at the Gogo Lounge as soon as possible, saab and I went to retrieve Audrey and her people from the Ste-E (because Audrey had left by the time the plan to go dancing had sprung) and the rest of us were on the way to the the lounge. During this time, Saab announced that he would gladly get thrown around in bed by Virginie, even though his true goal was to get Barbara's phone number. And as we were leaving the Ste-E, Audrey triple-checked to see if we were going to be still at the Gogo lounge at midnight.

Well, we were. Suj arrived by this time. He was seated in between me and Barbara, and there was someone in netween saab and Barbara. Being the shit-disturber that I am (and not caring which friend gets a phone number) I pointed out that she was looking at Suj a lot while he was talking to me, and that he should concentrate his efforts there. Before Audrey got there, I was speaking to Virginie, Sabrina was speaking to Mathieu, Saab was speaking to some guy, Julie was gone, and Suj was speaking to Barbara. I told him later that they seem to be getting along, but he informed me that she told him that she doesn't fuck doctors. That's a pretty odd thing to say since he never brought up the fact that he was one. "Good policy," he replied to her.

As people got up to dance, or leave, a spot opened next to Audrey. We talked for a while, about what I cannot begin to recall. Saab, who I hadn't seen in about 30 minutes, along with Sabrina and Virginie, abruptly appeared and said that he was leaving with the two of them, and then said, "Don't ask. You work your angle there." Saab remains missing in action as I write this. I took Audrey to the dance floor and we got down. I mean, really got down. They almost asked us to leave. We got off with a warning. We went back to my place because it's closer.

The Excellent Skin Award goes to Audrey, bar none. Smooth and soft and perfectly tanned. All over. Puffy nipples, and a very well-coiffed pussy. There was an ideal amount of regrowth there. Enough to avoid the unpleasant stubble bush, but not enough so that you could still see through to that perfect skin. It was interesting to see the contrast between the darkness of her tan and the blondeness of her pubic hair.

The one drawback of not having a job is that you masturbate more to pass time, so you have to plan your no-solo sexual activities more. I had no warning of what was about to happen earlier in the day. Luckily, I was able to rise to the occasion. With all the opportunites I have these days to get laid, I should probably occupy my time writing, or get another video game.

Audrey left this morning around ten o'clock. I'd like to share a lyric from the Matthew Good band with you:

Barely living, but we're living large

I think that could describe me this summer.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look: puzzled as to how these things happen sometimes
The feel:
The taste:
The Latest





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