Read this disclaimer first!!
Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003 - 3:01 p.m.
Boy kills dog

How the hell do you address this?

And if you thought I was slacking off on making new entries, well, I hope you're happy!

2 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
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Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003 - 2:39 p.m.
Action on affirmative action

The US Supreme Court has upheld a decision that allows affirmative action to exist in certain (or is it all) institutions. Samuel Freedman of USA Today, presents an alternative that I can back. Base it on income. This way you are helping the people that need to be helped while avoiding the whole race thing altogether. It's a good idea, but I have a question that goes off on a tangent.

"Why should mixed white-minority children be forced to deny half of their heritage to qualify for affirmative action? Isn't the point of America to exult in our polyglot variety?"

First of all, "polyglot"? Second, who makes them deny this? Forgetting about how such a multi-racial child identifies himself for the moment, how does everyone else see that child? This might be a better question to ask Americans that might see it regularly, rather than a Canadian who doesn't. (I would if I lived differently than I do, but I grew up a little differently from many other blacks in Canada it seems. That is, I grew up "white". That's why girls have been disappointed in the past when I don't act "black" enough.)

From my point of view, black-white polarization is rather extreme in the US, and somewhat less so here (but don't get me wrong, we still have lots of problems, I could tell you stories). Not necessarily in a hateful way, but very marked and distinct. As far as I can tell, here, especially with the multiracial kids I know, black-white hybrids are considered black for all intents and purposes. More accurately, they are not considered white. At least that's my impression.

My point is, who really denies a child the white part of his heritage? It seems like it is the white population. But then again, are these kids denied the black part of their heritage by the black community? Maybe someone can tell me.

3 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look:
The feel:
The taste:
Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003 - 1:54 p.m.
Theft and other things

Since it was St. Jean Baptiste Day yesterday (a Quebec holiday that you MUST take off, unless you have a McJob) I went to Cat's place around 10:30 in the morning. She was checking her balance online and realized that she was broke. I know the feeling, believe me. And she has to get Nenette to start paying her more money, too, since she is currently paying pretty much jack shit to live there. Cat made her patented Cat Muffins, which are like Egg McMuffins, made by her. It was new to me as I've never had one, myself. We played a game of chess and then I took off back here to do some home improvement.

Saab the handyman came over and we proceeded to put my blinds, racks and shelves. We had a game last night so he brought his stuff over so we could leave immediately from my place. At 5:25 Nenette calls, looking for him. She's in tears, and can understand why. Her bike was stolen. In broad daylight. In a crowd.

As if everything else in her life wasn't shitty, except for Saab (did I mention this? She broke up with Dick on Saturday night and is now with Saab till he goes away) this happens. She has no job, doesn't want to be a hairdresser anymore, is struggling with self-worth and esteem, has a bad relationship with some members of her family, may soon have problems with Cat (although she may not know this yet) and now this. Fucking typical. Saab cancelled plans to see a movie with a female friend, who totally understood.

I remember when we were robbed on Esplanade. It was two years ago. I suffered not too badly, but everyone else got screwed huge. Imagine an unripe melon being pounded by a baseball bat. For three weeks I had constant fantasies of killing these thieves thusly. I had a bike stolen, too. I felt so helpless, hopeless and forlorn.

Cat will likely make a habit of watching our games, but she couldn't last night. He brother's birthday dinner was last night. She did invite me there, but I declined because I wasn't ready to meet them. I will want to speak English, and I don't have a job. Besides, I had a game last night. After the game I checked my messages. She didn't go to the dinner. She couldn't face having to deal with her Dad's girlfriend, or make inane chatter with family members. She felt rather shitty and wanted me to come over. So Saab and I had to do a swoop-in-and-save operation last night. I called dibs on the shower first.

That's fucked up, somehow. Best friends dating roommates and calling dibs on the shower. When we get up in the mornings, I think about how functional we are as this unit of four. It's strange. Sadly, Cat had to work today, Saab had some tutoring to do and Nenette had to do someone's hair, for money I think, but I'm not sure. Everyone is making money today except me. *shrug*

I know that sooner or later money is going to matter, but for now, not at all. I can't help but think that life should be lived this way for all of us.

P.S.: I have realized that "Nenette" means "country girl" in a derogatory sort of way. Nenette is a country girl at heart, but not in any kind of bad way. Only slightly hickish. I should call her something else, but whatever.

0 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look: coolly hot
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Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003 - 12:21 p.m.

Images are clickable.

Cat gave me some new pants. They are super comfortable. See how they fit my body.

Watch as I display my mighty martial arts prowess!Are you scared yet? By my stance, I mean!

Crescent Kick! HY-YAH!So fast you can barely see it!

But wait, there's more. SHADOW MODE!
Power overwhelming...

Super Crescent Kick! Shadow Mode!

4 scrawls at the end of this hall

The look: powerful, in a kick your ass sort of way
The feel: comfortable
The taste:
The Latest





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